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 Dread's Custom Jutsu

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Posts : 14
Join date : 2009-06-04

Ninja Rank
Rank: Gennin
Ryo: 200

Dread's Custom Jutsu Empty
PostSubject: Dread's Custom Jutsu   Dread's Custom Jutsu Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2009 4:49 pm

Name: Electric Surge
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Storing a small amount of chakra into a body part, once they connect with the user or transfers the chakra into a weapon, the user could trasnfer electrical energy into the opponent or his/her weapon. It does little physical damage, but traveling through the bloodstream it unleashes a surprising jolt. Furthermore, the bolt adds a recoil affect against enemy attacks.

Name: Solid Chakra Compression
Rank: B
Type: Secret Technique
Description: This technique allows Dread to change whatever shape/creation Dread manipulates with his chakra ability to that element in solid form, For example, if Dread forms a pure charka barrier around him using his kekkai genkai, he can add small amounts of earth chakra into the barrier and it can instantly become a solid barrier all made out of earth.

Name: Elemental Absorption
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: A jutsu made by Dread to further his ability. He can touch any substance he wishes and transform his chakra or his creations into the extracted element of that substance into his Twin Chakra Threads. It can make his chakra into a solid, liquid, gas, or plasma depending on the element.
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