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 the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)

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the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Empty
PostSubject: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 10:54 am

Name:Perfection Jutsu: Deaths Perfection
Description:this jutsu is very complicated but for light he basicly made this jutsu. in this jutsu the user or opponent will draw or force a circle around the user. from here the user will force chakra around the cirlce to create a barier known as jinbishi. which was the chakra of a demon of death (no a shinigami). from the user will take a weapon of some sort and jab the weapon into any part of the users body. not only will the pain not be inflicted on the user but all that pain goes into the opponents body and no blood shows up from the user. the downfall is that the user can not stab his/her heart that would be a one blow kill to the user because there is a chakra strand that protects the heart if that is servely cut then the user circle dies out and the jutsu will not work again and by the time the user finds that out he/she is dead. the strangths of this jutsu is that as long as the user is in the circle the binds of the opponent and the user will continue. and the chakra barier can only be broken by the user
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the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 10:57 am

Name:Perfection Jutsu: The Gate of Perfection
Description: this is a jutsu too powerful for a release to work. in this jutsu the user will summon up 10 gates. all of which each one leads to hells chambers. with in each gate their is a creature that will try to kill the opponent not one ninja so far has survived the 5th gate. once you get to the 10th your fate is sealed. this jutsu is only used by light when he feels the need to kill. all and all it takes one day to make your way from one gate to the other but in rl it it only takes 1 hour but to the mind 1 day
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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

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the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 11:03 am

One question, is there any way to suvive the gates of perfection jutsu?
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the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 11:06 am

yeah kill all creatures
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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

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the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 11:09 am

death's perfection is a bit godmoddish. You just stand in an invincible barrier and stab yourself until the opponent dies of blood loss.
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the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 11:12 am

no i fogot to mention it eats up 50% of your chakra in 2 posts
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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

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the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 11:15 am

good enough then. But the two jutus are more of S-Ranked than A-Ranked.
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the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 11:17 am

im not s-rank
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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

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Ryo: 200

the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 11:22 am

Fine, I'll approve them.
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PostSubject: Re: the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)   the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons) Icon_minitime

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the two jutsu that light uses most of all (the rest are jutsu the canons)
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