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 Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus

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Zero Uchiha
Zero Uchiha

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PostSubject: Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus   Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 12:01 pm


Thunder Clone Jutsu
Forms solid clones from pure lightning and when they are distorted they explode into a blast of lightning shocking the one that distorted the clone…

Palm shock
A weaker version of the chidori when used it will stun you opponent (Two posts)

A weaker version of Chidori current when used a almost unnoticeable lightning aura forms and will protect you by lashing out at the nearest person. It can also be used to extend your weapon...

Lightning pump up
Draws raw energy from your lightning as it increases you reactions tenfold. But well only last for 5 posts after that you will have an aftereffect from moving that fast. You will recover in 2 posts…


A weaker version of Raikiri (lightning blade) after doing the needed hand signs and having the needed attributes needed speed and forces the chakra becomes visible. The sound that it gives of makes its name chidori one thousand birds!

Chidori Current
A jutsu that doesn’t require hand signs only focus. Using current there will be a very noticeable lightning aura coming off you. It also shocks anyone that gets near you. You can also extend the any weapon you have as large as humanly possible without adding on weight…

Lightning Form
You can construct any weapon that you can possible imagine…

Current Blast
After using chidori current you can gather energy inside of your body and release it at once destroying the nearby area. Also for 4 posts there is lightning surging throughout the ground due to the explosion…


Raikiri (lightning blade)
The most powerful of the series the blade is powerful enough that the original user was said to cut a blot of lightning in half before it hit the ground...

Lightning punch
Like the chakra punch it can turn boulders to dust in one hit. One of the main differences is the speed it is delivered and the static that is left behind…

Lightning fused Rasengan (but you can just call it the Rasengan)
Like the normal Rasengan it is made with lightning. Like all lightning jutsu the main attribute is the speed it is delivered and the static that is left…

Current Blast version two
After using chidori current you can gather energy inside of your body and release it at once destroying the nearby area. Also for 4 posts there is lightning surging throughout the ground due to the explosion. Or if you use chidori spear you can explode them while in mid air or when they are in someone or something with devastating results…

Lightning pinpoint
By using any metal object you can transport yourself and others to it almost instantly…

Lightning taijutsu
After fully mastering Chidori Current, Lightning punch, Current Blast
And Lightning pump up you can move 10 fold as your entire body is covered in lighting and your blows can send opponents across villages. After mastering those four jutsu’s you will need to have near perfect chakra control and be in top condition. If you can do that you can focus energy into you body and release it almost instantly…

Lightning pinpoint version two
By using any metal object you can transport yourself and others to it instantly

Name:Shadow lands
Rank:s ranked
Type:(nin, gen, tai)gen
Description:this genjutsu of the suzo makes the enemy think he his under attack by clone or weapons very deadly

Name:lighting volcano
Rank:a ranked
Type:(nin, gen, tai)gen
Description:the enemy is attacked by a shower of lighting blasts and balls that stun him for 2 posts each 2 hits
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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

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PostSubject: Re: Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus   Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 12:25 pm

All approved except for Thunder God, Lightning Punch, Lighning Taijutsu, and Chidori Spear
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Zero Uchiha
Zero Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus   Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 12:26 pm

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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

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PostSubject: Re: Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus   Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 12:32 pm

Thunder God is just plain godmod, Lightning Punch and Lightning Taijutsu are S-Ranked Justus. Lightnng Blade has the same effects as Chidori Spear and more.
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Zero Uchiha
Zero Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus   Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 12:33 pm

Lightning Punch and Lightning Taijutsu are clan jutsus too
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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

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PostSubject: Re: Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus   Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 12:35 pm

They're still S-Ranked. I'll approve them if you count them as S-Ranked jutsus.
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Zero Uchiha
Zero Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus   Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 12:35 pm

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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

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Age : 29
Location : Either on the computer or trying to shoot you with a bow and arrow. Hold still!

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Rank: S-Rank Missing Nin
Ryo: 200

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PostSubject: Re: Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus   Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2009 12:36 pm

Approved. Now locked.
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PostSubject: Re: Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus   Sukio clan and Zeros jutsus Icon_minitime

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