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 Jeiku Takahashi

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Jeiku Takahashi
Jeiku Takahashi

Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-06-23
Age : 32

Ninja Rank
Rank: Gennin
Ryo: 200

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PostSubject: Jeiku Takahashi   Jeiku Takahashi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 6:26 am

Name: Takahashi, Jeiku
Appearance Stats:
Eye Color- Hazel
Hair Color- Dirty Blonde
Clothing Style- Black casual outfit customized to be fit for free movement and combat
Color of shoes: I guess white since I wish to be in the cloud village

Appearance: Jeiku Takahashi 928425703_l

Clan/Bloodline:(going to register one; will edit if approved)

Throughout his life thus far, Jeiku has been raised inside of the Hidden Cloud village. As the son of the head of his clan called Takahashi(going to register it) much was expected of him. This was only more obligatory due to the fact that his clan was also considered to be the most powerful in all of Kumogakure. As such, he was trained since the day he first showed the potential to become a ninja alongside his fraternal twin sister, Natsumi. Throughout the early and more recent years of his life Jeiku and his sister had shown the most potential among the many others in their clan, quickly becoming more and more powerful, rising in the ranks and completing many smalltime mission together, with the utmost efficiency. Their father, whom was a man not too easily impressed to be put lightly, even had said at one time that he was proud of their success, which of course meant the world to them. All of this good fortune however was not to last.
A rival clan of the same village known as the Hasagi clan was jealous of the true power and potential shown among the Takahashi’s and could no longer stand by and simply be “cast aside as an inferior clan” as they saw fit to call their situation. So on the night when the Takahashi clan was in celebration of the founding of their clan and it’s establishment in the village, as they were all gathered in the square in silent memoriam the Hasagi’s struck. They used a forbidden technique known as limelight in order to decimate not only the small Takahashi sector but the entire population in one fell swoop. Jeiku whom had been called away on a secret mission by the Raikage to investigate the experimentation of said technique as it had been tested on the borders of the lightning country, could do nothing more than watch in horror as he was returning to join his kinsmen in celebration.
It was no question to Jeiku whom was at fault as the Hasagi’s quickly took up the mantle as the head clan in Kumo often boasting at their newfound fortune. All it took was one night, one measly hour for Jeiku to lose all that he had ever known, his sister whom he had insisted stay behind that night, his parents, and his home. It was the most cruel thing a man can experience in life to see how a village he has loved his whole life to simply forget his family so easily. There was nothing he could do in defense of his family as there was not enough evidence to indict any of the Hasagi. Becoming hardened, Jeiku has taken an oath to someday return his clan to it’s former glory and to strike down those responsible for the death of that which he held most dear. (I think I want to add more or change it this was something I just whipped up right quick)

-Katana shown above in my appearance photo, has special properties (will have it created in the forge ASAP)


Village-Kumogakure; Hidden Cloud village (will apply to group)

Successful Missions:
A ranks-0
B ranks-0
C ranks-0
D ranks-0
E ranks-0

Jutsu: (It’s going to be pretty lengthy so I’ll just register them as soon as I’m approved)
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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

Posts : 1007
Join date : 2009-05-29
Age : 29
Location : Either on the computer or trying to shoot you with a bow and arrow. Hold still!

Ninja Rank
Rank: S-Rank Missing Nin
Ryo: 200

Jeiku Takahashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeiku Takahashi   Jeiku Takahashi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 6:30 am

You do know that you have to pay 2000 ryo for a custom weapon to be created.
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Jeiku Takahashi
Jeiku Takahashi

Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-06-23
Age : 32

Ninja Rank
Rank: Gennin
Ryo: 200

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PostSubject: Re: Jeiku Takahashi   Jeiku Takahashi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 6:31 am

that is why i said As Soon As Possible which implies that as soon as I am able it will be requested in the forge lol
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Rey Ketsueki
Rey Ketsueki

Posts : 1007
Join date : 2009-05-29
Age : 29
Location : Either on the computer or trying to shoot you with a bow and arrow. Hold still!

Ninja Rank
Rank: S-Rank Missing Nin
Ryo: 200

Jeiku Takahashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeiku Takahashi   Jeiku Takahashi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 6:33 am

good, get your clan approved and the character will be approved.
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Jeiku Takahashi
Jeiku Takahashi

Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-06-23
Age : 32

Ninja Rank
Rank: Gennin
Ryo: 200

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PostSubject: Re: Jeiku Takahashi   Jeiku Takahashi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 6:33 am

thank you ill go do that now
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Posts : 178
Join date : 2009-06-04

Ninja Rank
Rank: A-Rank Missing Nin
Ryo: 200

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PostSubject: Re: Jeiku Takahashi   Jeiku Takahashi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 6:48 am

heh no you wont you only have 200
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Jeiku Takahashi
Jeiku Takahashi

Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-06-23
Age : 32

Ninja Rank
Rank: Gennin
Ryo: 200

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PostSubject: Re: Jeiku Takahashi   Jeiku Takahashi Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 7:06 am

i meant i will register my clan durgh
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Egress Uchiha
Egress Uchiha

Posts : 211
Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : You'' Never Find Me

Ninja Rank
Rank: Sage
Ryo: 200

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PostSubject: Re: Jeiku Takahashi   Jeiku Takahashi Icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 3:21 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Jeiku Takahashi   Jeiku Takahashi Icon_minitime

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